A city to live

Soria, una ciudad para vivir

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A city to live

We are happy we can count on you as part of our city, and we want you to be able to count on the City Council and feel at home in Soria. We would, therefore, like to provide you with some information that may be of interest to you if you have chosen to live in our city.

This is just a brief guide, but there are many services and amenities available to you. So, if you have any queries or questions that are not addressed below, please do not hesitate to contact the City Council.

We want to be an accessible administration and we manage many of the basic day-to-day services, such as security with the Local Police and Fire Brigade, street cleaning and waste collection, water supply and treatment, urban transport, etc., that will ensure your wellbeing. Choosing Soria also means choosing all the activities we offer and the different municipal facilities that will provide you with access to culture and sport including our cultural centres, cinema, theatre, sports centres, etc.

The city council is organised into specialised departments and one of them is the Culture Department: This includes the theatre, whose programme can be found on: teatropalaciodelaaudiencia where we seek to offer programmes for all tastes and ages, as well as the cinema, as we have a municipal cinema with a great selection of films every day of the week, see: cinesmercado

As you can imagine, music is also essential and is a highlight on our calendar, with annual events such as the Enclave de Agua Festival in the summer and the Musical Autumn Festival, to name but a few. Literature, in the form of the historical novel, takes centre stage once a year, when you can listen to talks from some of the most important writers in the field.

We also love to fill the city with culture and you can enjoy the Expoesia book fair in La Dehesa Park or magic and puppet shows in the streets of the city. You are sure to find activities that you enjoy and discover others that will hopefully become some of your favourites. There are many more options… just waiting to be discovered.

Sport is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and the City Council Sports Department tries to make the most of the city’s wonderful surroundings and its many sports facilities so that sport can be tailored to suit all tastes, abilities and ages. Our regular sports campaigns have details on all the many options open to you. If you already practice a sport it will be included and you may find some new ideas! deportes.soria.es

Of course you can also use the sports facilities on your own, for example the swimming pools, so you should find out about these because there are many options that will suit you. deportes.soria.es

Be sure to apply for a Citizen’s Card, which gives you access to the Sports Facilities and other services such as the city bus.

The City Council Social Services Department works to make life easier for all our citizens, providing information, guidance and advice on the resources available in the social services system to anyone who requests it.

These include specific programmes for families with guidance and support, sometimes on a one-to-one basis and sometimes in the form of workshops or courses. The department also organises activities aimed at children and teenagers, including, for example, two municipal nursery schools and the «La Peonza» youth club. Naturally, there are also activities for the elderly in the Senior Citizens’Classrooms and in the social centres that you will find in various neighbourhoods. In addition, we provide resources for specific groups, such as migrants, to meet their specific needs.

Grants are also available covering a wide range of issues, e.g. aid for school materials, basic living expenses, etc.

Our team offers a full range of social, legal and psychological support, and provides comprehensive care for women who are victims of gender-based violence and other problems.

The City Council Youth Department implements the Youth Plan. You must know about the Youth Space and the Youth Information Centre, where the Youth Health Point is located, and which offers a variety of very interesting leisure and training activities.

Girls and boys are encouraged to participate in associations, but also in events such as the Young Creators Competition and the City of Soria Short Film Competition.

The department welcomes contributions from young people and associations. Please come and see us, we will be delighted to meet you and tell you everything in more detail.

The City Council Equality Department is responsible for implementing the city’s Equality Plan, with initiatives for all our citizens in which we hope you would like to participate. There are workshops, campaigns, conferences and awareness-raising activities, always with the aim of achieving equality between women and men. These initiatives include, among others, the Cycle of Meetings for Feminism: ciclofeminismo.soria.es and the International Gender Documentary Film Festival (Mujer Doc) mujerdoc.com.

We encourage you to come and visit the Cocha de Marco Feminist Space, located in Plaza de las Mujeres, where many of the events take place and where the feminist library is also located.

We hope you will feel like participating and we would really welcome any suggestions, ideas or contributions, because we will only achieve equality together. We look forward to seeing you!

There are also municipal procedures that can be done on the internet, here: soria.sedelectronica.es

And there is also much more… including the City Council Education and Training Department, which among other things works with schools and the university and also offers many interesting employment workshops, the Commerce and Tourism Department, which provides information about our city to visitors but also organises activities that may be of interest to anyone who lives here… and others such as Local Services, which is responsible for essential issues such as cleaning, urban transport and municipal works, among others.

Public safety is important and we have the Fire Brigade and the Local Police at your service, as well as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and the Citizen Participation Department, which will offer you the tools you need to become an active part of this local government, because we want you to be part of it.

And there is so much more that we hope you will discover.

Thank you for joining us.